Who am I?

Who are We?

What can We do together?

Great communities are intentional, not accidental.

That guiding principle of the Nelson and Sue Andrews Institute for Civic Leadership is reflected in the curriculum for Music City Girls Lead! The three Saturdays of each academy reflected the work of Harvard University’s Marshall Ganz who asks three simple questions in developing leaders and change agents: Who am I? Who are we? What can we do together?

The young women of MCGL! inspired us as they answered those questions together and individually. These young women embraced and focused their talents through strengths assessments. They created visions for their future. They developed confident voices to speak up and advance their causes.  They delved into history and new perspectives as they learned about the shoulders they stand on and the diverse city they live in. And they mastered the ethical, collaborative leadership skills necessary to bring positive change to their schools, neighborhoods, communities, and around the globe.  

We want to live in the world you create!


Who Am I?

Live by your guiding principles. Embrace your strengths. Set your goals. Communicate your vision clearly and with confidence. Ask for help in achieving it.

The young women of MCGL! rocked the video vision assignment! They aspire to be attorneys, physicians, medical researchers, artists, teachers, social justice advocates, and much more. They clearly show us their future, the impact they will have. And they want our help to get there.

Learning from the Women's History Quiz.JPG

Who Are We?

The young women of MCGL! delved into history and new perspectives as they learned about the shoulders they stand on and the diverse city they live in.

Young women of Academy 5 Present their Group Project Blessing Bags for Room at the Inn.jpg

What Can We Do Together?

The young women of MCGL! mastered the ethical, collaborative leadership skills necessary to bring positive change to their schools, neighborhoods, communities, and world.  


MCGL! has been one of the best experiences I have had regarding my leadership skills and developing a better sense of team building and understanding. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything...
— Hailey Johnson, Academy 1 and the first MCGL! graduate to receive her Master's degree

Founder’s Day Celebration and Alumnae Luncheon

October 3, 2015

Shamblin Theatre 

Lipscomb University

Contact us.

Contact us to learn more about our program and work, or to become involved yourself.

